Hello, and Welcome!  I’m Maxine and this little slice of the universe is where I will be sharing all adventures, triumphs, tribulations and deliciousness (I LOVE food) that has me loving life, while helping me be the best mom, wife and human I can be.   Here is a little bit about me and how I got HERE.

I have the most wonderful, sexy and steadfast husband, Joe.  A son, Kolten (15) who is wise beyond his years.  We round out our little family with 2 German Shepherds, Skor and Tank, a cat named Boogie, 4 ducks, 18 chickens and partridge in a pear tree.  JK about the partridge!  It’s a regular funny farm around here and I LOVE every minute.

I have done and seen so much already, and I know this is really just the start.  College, culinary school, CEO, travel, business startups, married, divorced, single mom, married again.  Wow, I stay busy! And know, I want to share it all with you.  That is truly my goal here.  I want to share with you all that has made me who I am, with the hope that you may be able to laugh, learn, cry, and feel connected.  In addition to personal stories, you will find my favorite recipes, home and family conversations, homeschooling tips, products I love, trip ideas and much more.

I look forward to this new adventure and want to thank all of you for coming along on the ride!